Water Rental

Waterfountains and Waterscreens

Together with our local partner for water fountain systems we are always happy to add a special sparkling effect to your event.

Our installations can be used almost anywhere. The pumps are suitable for various water conditions, so it is possible to work with fresh water, lake water, swimming pool water and even salt water.

The wide range of fountains allows not only different shapes of water jets, but also endless possibilities to combine them in a fascinating color brilliance. Each arrangement creates a new image and becomes unique.

High-quality components allow many variations - from slow, majestic waves to fast, explosive salvos with the possibility to quickly change the water images.

In this way we can build different types of installations, for example, pools of different sizes in parks. We are no strangers to private water fountain installations and they are an exciting challenge!

Through art2o the most exciting interplay of water and light can be achieved - and if desired even more!
Stand out - combine the elements!

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